Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Mysticism has influenced Muslim's beliefs and action so much so that none could escape its influence whether he believes in it or not. Those who have penned and penetrated deeper and deeper into the meaning of word mysticism,have not achieved much and we consider such research as useless. Whatever may be the name we should find out what is its subject matter. Hence whoever is conversant with the elementary principles of mysticism knows that is,to find out "Reality" or to know what is matter, what is soul, what is human being, what is knowledge and self? Also to know whether the soul dies with death or survives? Do heaven and hell exist at all or not, and if they do what is their reality? Is there some one who is there creator? If there is, who He is, what He is and where He is etc.,etc.

Those who have penned and penetrated deeper and deeper into the meaning of the word mysticism, have not achieved much and we consider such researches as useless. Whatever may be the name we should find out what is its subject matter. Hence whoever is conversant with the elementary principles of mysticism knows that its subject matter is the as of philosophy, that is to find out the "Reality" or to know what is matter, what is soul, what is human being, what is knowledge and self? Also to know whether the soul dies with death or survive? Do heaven and hell exists at all or not, and if they do what is their reality? Is there some one who is their creator? If there is, who He is? what He is and where He is etc., etc. The difference between philosophy and mysticism is that in philosophy we apply intellect,that is, the correct logical reasoning and deduction.But in mysticism we try to achieve them through exercises and actions which lead to the awakening of internal senses and spiritual powers and help in achieving the desired goal.

No doubt the word mysticism is not mentioned in the whole of the Holy Qur'an and even nearly two hundred years after the death of Holy Prophet no Islamic history or any other book on Islam has carried such a word. But in the Holy Qur'an another word is available at several places whose subject matter is the same as of mysticism. This word is Wisdom. Thus the Holy Qur'an says:"Even as we have sent among you an apostle from among you who recites to you our communications and purifies you and teaches you the Book and the wisdom and teaches you that which you did not know(Chapter Cow verse 151)". The same thing is enjioned in Chapter Al-Imran and Al-Jummah. These verses reveal that the Holy Prophet(SAW) used to recite the revealed message and teach and train people through illustrations and personal demonstrations.

The word wisdom appears at several other places in the Holy Qur'an. In Chapter "the Cow" verse 269 it says: He grants wisdom to whom He pleases. and whoever is granted wisdom, he indead is given a great good; and non mind but men of understanding". (for detail pls read the book)