How To Unleash the Power of "Disguised Hypnosis"...
And Instantly Master the Arts of Covert Persuasion and
Hypnotic Mind Control!
Similar techniques have been used to OVERTHROW COUNTRIES ... RALLY THE DEFEATED ... IGNITE SOCIAL CHANGE ... and even COERCE MASS SUICIDE -- Closely guarded and kept under wraps, UNTIL NOW!
An Invisible Empire of Covert Persuasion and Covert Hypnosis Revealed...
Shortly, I'm going to reveal cutting-edge communication techniques that are so devastating you will easily outwit your boss and co-workers ... and dominate your social interactions on a consistent basis; (perfect for those who enjoy a battle of wits).
Soon you'll be privy to some of the most practical and universal persuasion secrets used by the world's most influential politicians, heavy-handed Fat Cat CEO's and the most mesmerizing pick-up artists.
And, you'll understand why...
"Conversational Hypnosis is a Joke"
You heard right. In my opinion, all those money-grubbing Therapeutic Persuasion pushers are just shafting you ... and I'll explain why.
I've been hearing a lot of hogwash about hypnotic language patterns and how to use Ericksonian Hypnosis to persuade people. And frankly, it's not true. Forgive me for being blunt, but for your sake, I have to get this off my chest.
Language patterns were developed by Dr. Milton Erickson. Erickson also invented Embedded Commandments and the use of hypnotic storytelling for therapeutic purposes; but, Erickson used language patterns to help people with headaches and to cure people of phobias - not for persuasion.
His therapy had nothing to do with persuasion and the art of getting what you want!
Don't get shafted in thinking that embedded commandments can work outside of clinical settings. But don't take my word for it, try them out and see the lackluster results for yourself.
If you take a shark out of the ocean, what happens? ... Well, the same thing happens when you take hypnotic language patterns outside of their therapeutic context: THEY'RE DOOMED!
It's not possible to get what you want by simply walking up to people and chanting a few simple words into their ear. I wish it was that easy, but it's not.
The “Covert Persuasion Gurus”Are Misleading You
That reminds me of the time I bought a very expensive course on the topic of persuasion from a so called persuasion guru (I won't embarrass him by mentioning his name).
Well, let me just say that I was hot under the collar when I realized it was a program about elementary principles of persuasion.
His hot-shot promises of persuasion were insulting. His advice included ironing my shirts and looking people in the eye when I spoke with them. Yikes! He even talked about the importance of a firm handshake and looking confident.
Now, I know that stuff is useful, but come on ... it's common sense, isn't it?
Most of us learned those concepts in grade school. So it gets my goat that these phony baloney SOB's have the nerve to sell a program like that. TOTALLY BUSTED!
My advice: If you happened to miss "Elementary Persuasion" when you were about eleven, don't waste your time now. You'd be better off visiting your local library and saving your money.
Who Exactly is Dr. Jonathan Conrad Groves and Why Should You Listen to Him?
I am a trained professional who has mastered the field of Micro-Sociology (the study of the behavior patterns of groups and individuals).
I am also a certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, a hypnotist who is certified in both European and American Boards of Hypnotherapy and a person extensively trained in the Political Sciences.
What all this means is that I have learned how to make others do what I want them to do. I know what works and what doesn't work; and, regardless of the type of hypnosis or persuasion strategies used ... I have studied them extensively.
I have the credentials to dispute the latest persuasion and hypnosis fads (such as the Ericksonian Method), but the most powerful forms of hypnotic persuasion date back to ancient times.
These ancient methods of persuasion have been lost because people have gotten caught up in the new fads.
Why Struggle With the Complicated Language Patterns of Conversational Hypnosis When Proven, SCIENTIFIC, Power Persuasion Tactics Can Give You EVERYTHING You Want?
In fact, many persuasion experts and specialists in the social sciences believe that similar techniques were used by Napoleon, Alexander the Great, Hitler, Cleopatra and a ton of other rich, famous and powerful people... and NONE of these techniques involved a single language pattern.
And surprise, surprise, you probably have already used some of these techniques without knowing it. In fact, when things go really well in life, it's often because you've accidently stumbled upon some of these covert persuasion methods.
But why leave anything to chance, when you can claim what's rightfully yours using powerful formulas of persuasion?
Why get the raw end of the deal when you can control your destiny intentionally as often as you wish?
Why is Disguised Hypnosis the Deepest Form of Covert Persuasion?
Disguised Hypnosis is a shrewd style of hypnotic persuasion that uses formulas, persuasion models, conditioning cycles, social strategies, and hypnotic systems to give you all the things you want.
The principles and techniques of Disguised Hypnosis are based upon Hypnotic Frames; frames that make it astonishingly easy for persuasion artists to reap greater rewards with the least amount of effort.
If you've been studying the art of persuasion for any length of time, you know that the ABS formula is crucial to your success. It is what helps you Absorb attention, Bypass critical factors and Stimulate with suggestion.
But don't fall into the trap of thinking that you need to use words to make the ABS formula work for you. Instead of attempting to use language to establish frame control, Disguised Hypnosis leapfrogs other methods and activates the ABS formula using strategies worth their weight in gold.
History tells us that ancient kings, the royal courts, and the most powerful aristocratic leaders all used Disguised Forms of Hypnosis to multiply their greatness.
All of whom couldn't possibly have used Ericksonian Hypnosis or language patterns to achieve their success. How do we know this? Because Ericksonian Hypnosis and the language patterns he invented, weren't even born yet.
Why are these Covert Hypnosis Secrets Considered Disguised?
Because people don't even realize that they are being influenced.
Television evangelists have been accused of using hypnosis, but you don't see them waving a pocket watch or using conventional hypnotic language. It's completely disguised.
Many people will tell you that advertising doesn't work on them. Of course, they are saying this as they find themselves rolling into the same local fast food joint every morning for breakfast and can't tell you why.
In truth, these mind control tactics are so tremendous that arrogant bigwigs and dollar-crazed bureaucrats have been fiddling around socially conditioning people not to believe in them!
That's right... people who have become successful using these techniques do not want you to believe that these powerful techniques and principles exist.
That's why you won't find a master's collection of persuasion strategies in bookstores or at hypnosis seminars. Most people who know about it want to keep it off limits. That is why this black market Disguised Hypnosis program is as rare as a diamond.
It's no accident that this message intrigues you, because shortly you'll be able to vanquish your fears and overpower your doubts by unleashing the secret forces of the human mind. These strategies are so effective they were banned from three state penitentiaries...
BANNED From Three Prison Systems
Because of Its Power To Manipulate!
Caught red-handed using my persuasion strategies, inmates were silently striking back, waging a war with their minds. They became increasingly more powerful and eventually started taking over prison yards - not by force, but by sheer persuasion.
Using an ultimate mind-control weapon, guards started doing the prisoners favors (some which were sexual by nature). Female correctional officers were falling in love with inmates, getting pregnant with their babies, and quitting their jobs so that they could legally marry inmates. One inmate had so much clout, correctional officers jokingly referred to him as Mayor.
However, the advantage was thwarted when an inmate with special privileges was caught in the property office making out with a correctional officer. While packing his belongings on the way to solitary confinement, guards found persuasion materials in his cell.
The backlash was swift and Disguised Hypnosis was officially outlawed from three state prison systems in Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico.
Disguised Hypnosis Can Also Save You Money Through its Covert Hypnosis Power
Here's a true story about Paul, one of my students. Paul needed a lot of dental work but didn't have dental insurance.
Faced with limited options, rather than spending thousands of dollars, he turned to the formidable power of persuasion.
Well, after applying just a single strategy, my protege's dental bill was dramatically reduced - saving him thousands!
Of course, the groundwork had to be set. Paul had to get the dentist to like him and use the subtle "art of implication" to make the dentist believe he had something substantial to offer in return for the discounted dental work.
In fact, there are many steps necessary to successfully persuade people, especially when it comes to saving money.
The point is, whether you're in a hostile place like a penitentiary or in your local dentist's office, Disguised Hypnosis will give you an overwhelming edge.
Why Not Use the Power of
Mind Control Hypnosis to Get What You Want?
Don't waste another minute settling for second best, especially with such practical and powerful hypnosis and persuasion secrets within your grasp.
Remember, similar covert hypnosis tactics have helped celebrities, kings, ambassadors, politicians, religious leaders, CEO's and everyday Joe's to create the life they wanted. Why not you?
Let me help you boost job security ... make more money ... land your dream job ... command more respect ... and even get a date with the exact type of person you want - starting today!
Finally, These Practical Persuasion Secrets Have Been Unraveled!
If you are tired of just getting by in life, I urge you to put my disguised hypnosis methods to the test.
I guarantee you'll be surprised how easily you can capture power, wealth, happiness, and respect. ... Plus, you'll be amazed at how quickly you can influence and compel people to do exactly what you want.
In just a few days, you'll be able to read co-workers and clients like an open book. You'll instantly know what people are thinking ... plus, have the power to change their No to a Yes. ... It's as if you were casting a magic spell.
But, it won't be magic at all ... only knowledge of the world's most amazing persuasion and seduction secrets - the ones handed down through generations.
And Now You Can Benefit From
These Persuasion Techniques Too!
I have put together a complete Disguised Hypnosis package designed to teach you everything you need to know to:
* Optimize your power ... Always get what you want!
* Magnetize your presence ... Never be without a date!
* Dominate during battles of will ... Win on your own terms!
* Multiply your leverage 100x ... Lead your allies willingly!
* Disarm your opponents ... Never be humiliated again!
"Disguised Hypnosis is a fascinating piece of work! Jonathan Groves is Machiavelli for the 21st century! This training program approaches the science of growing your personal power in a way that's practical, clear, concise, and free of crap. So much of what is written in the field of persuasion is rehashing of other people's work. In contrast, Disguised Hypnosis gives fresh insight into how the acquisition of power works, and how to take simple and concrete steps to dramatically increase your own personal power. Each unit in this course addresses different levels of social structure and how to effectively use the weaknesses of that social level to achieve your own goals. You don't have to be actively influencing at all levels to achieve your goals, but this course will teach you how to become more influential at all of the levels, AND how to identify the levels at which you most naturally and effectively can exert your own growing influential skills. Disguised Hypnosis is a course that I will refer to again and again, getting more out of it each time I listen to it."